Saturday, July 9, 2011

What's up for the Goulding's Great Lakes Trip (GGLT) 2011?

The itinerary is set and the motel/hotel reservations made for the 2011 trip. For the details and memories, you'll need to follow along on this blog as I don't want to give away all of the electrifying information about our stops here. BUT to give a hint - our first scheduled stop is at the World's Largest Bottle of Catsup followed by a Giant Bowling Pin. Yep, I can feel your excitement building!

Actually, we have three Primary Stops/Goals (briefly mentioned in the 6/30 post) -  put our feet in all five Great Lakes, get one of those cool bio-degradable blue ponchos at Niagara Falls, and see who cries 'mercy' first on the rollercoasters at Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH. Not counting these, we have 59 minor stops on the itinerary.

Our travelers (also in the 6/30 post) now include Flat Brace Boy (FBB until we name him). The Goulding girls orthodontist is having a summer vacation contest, and there are many options on categories, including most places visited. FBB may lose his photogenic smile by the end of this trip!

Off to start packing....

p.s. Everyone send Marianne, the current undecided-but-potential traveler, an email telling her to take the once-in-a-lifetime GGLT!

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