Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 2 of My Adventure Blog

I exited work early today so I could get started on the weekend.  I am coordinating our church's garage sale...interesting how I get myself into these situations! (Help! I need remedial 'no' class!! But, I find it to be a family trait.)We are also hosting the annual Goulding family and friends July 4th party. Although this year, it's on the 3rd. That going to work on the 5th really dampens the party spirit.

Anyway, Julie and kids were here so I finished up the GGLT books for the McCoskeys and us. Julie got quite a laugh about my books. YES, they have page dividers by day. YES, I planned out the route, stops, hotels, restaurants and the Cedar Point ride plan. And, YES, there are games for the kids.  All I can say is that we will not have a boring moment! I think I put 46 stops on the t-shirts. YES, we have group t-shirts and I do say they are pretty cool! After the books, I started pre-cleaning (i.e. putting all of the STUFF away that gets scattered about when you're on the run.)  For those of you who have maid service, it's the crap you put away before the maid gets there to actually clean. Julie and kids left after an hour or so, then the real cleaning began...floors, bathrooms, refrigerator, microwave, yada, yada. Hmmm - now I know why I don't do it that often! Of course, four dust pans of dirt later, I'm thinking that volleyball shouldn't take so much time so we can actually clean our house occasionally. I'm frequently at at Catch-22 on this. We have three kids and they should learn to keep things picked up and the cleaning side of having a house. But, they are busy with volleyball and dance, as are we, the parents, so it's a come-in-and-drop/take care of the dogs kind of life for us. So, to close out my day - I accomplished a lot of my to-dos today (even after waking up at 3:30 and reading two hours) so I feel like the day was a success. Oh, yeah. I also got the mail a bit ago and have the Justin Bieber video, Groundhog Day movie, and Disney's Legends so the girls can learn about Bieber (like they don't already know), Punxatawney, Johnny Appleseed and Paul Bunyan...all glorious stops on our GGLT. Good night!

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